Each city has it’s own Bylaws regarding the use and placement of portable signs. Here is a quick summary of the Edmonton Portable Sign Bylaws.
General Sign Regulations include (but not limited to):
- No sign shall be erected, operated, used or maintained in such a way that its size, sign and position, obstructs the view or shall be confused with an official traffic sign, signal or device nor obscures a driver decision point.
- No sign shall use display lights resembling flashing lights usually associated with danger or those used by police, fire, ambulance and other emergency vehicles nor use spot or reflector lights that create a hazard to traffic on public roadways.
- All Temporary Signs shall have a permanent tag, label, plate, marking or other means of identifying ownership of the Sign.
- An approved Sign is not an approval for development on the Site.
- No part of any sign may project beyond the property lines unless otherwise specified in a Sign Schedule.
- The intensity of exposed bulbs on a Sign, excluding Digital Signs, shall not exceed 1100 lumens.
- The fine for placing signs that do not follow the Sign Regulations is $250, unless otherwise stated in the Bylaw.
Portable Sign Bylaws Edmonton
The Sign Regulations for the city of Edmonton are stated under the Zoning Bylaw. If you didn’t find what you were looking for, you can view a copy of the Bylaw here. Edmonton Portable Sign Bylaw.
Need an Edmonton Portable Sign Bylaws?
Call Edmonton Sign Company at 780.803.7446 for more information on any of our products and services. Sign Guru is the leader of Edmonton Sign Industry.
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